Applies to Version(s): 3.9.0R6 or Current
Complexity Level: Easy
Estimated Time for Completion: 5 minutes
Promote PayPal pay later offering throughout your PinnacleCart Store.
To take advantage of PayPal's Pay Later function, you will need to upgrade your cart to version 3.9.0R6 and activate PayPal Checkout.
Customizing PayPal's "Pay Later" Messaging
- Login to your PinnacleCart Panel and go to Settings >> Payments and Taxes >> Payment Methods.
- If PayPal is currently active, you will see "Change Setting" button. If it's not active, you will need to go though the process of activating PayPal Checkout.
- Click the "Change Settings" button and select the "Credit Messaging" tab.
- By default, "Enable PayPal Credit Messaging?" will be activated.
- You will have the ability to edit all the locations and messages on the front of your site, using this page.