If you find yourself locked out of your account, or forgetting your password, and you're either not getting a password reset email or don't know the security answers, this article will guide you through resetting this via phpMyAdmin.

Applies to Version(s): All Versions

Complexity Level: Advanced

Estimated Time for Completion: 10 minutes

How to Reset Your Admin Password in phpMyAdmin

Note: If you're unsure of how to access phpMyAdmin, contact your host and they should be able to provide you with instructions.

After you've opened phpMyAdmin and your PinnacleCart database, follow these instructions below.

1. Click the admins table on the left hand side.

2. Look at the username column to find the user you need to reset the password for. When you find it, click Edit on the left side of the row.

3. Look for the password row. On the right field, you will see the current password hash. Highlight and delete the password hash.

4. Type out what you want your new password to be in that field, then set the drop-down menu to the left of it to SHA1 (PinnacleCart version 3.7.11 and above) or MD5 (PinnacleCart version 3.7.10 R3 or below).

5. If you 're locked out o your account, change the active row drop-down menu from Block to Yes.

6. Scroll to the bottom and click the Go button.

That's it! You should now be able to login with the new password.

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If you didn't get your question answered, please contact the Pinnacle Cart Support Team. To submit a ticket, go to the My Account drop-down menu at the top right of the admin area and select Support