Reports can be a little intimidating for first-time users. This article should help explain what all the numbers mean and how you can use reports to better understand your business.

Applies to Version(s): 3.8.3 - Current

Complexity Level: Medium

In this article, you will learn

The Dashboard


Sales Performance

Sales Performance Summary

Sales by Payment Types

Sales by Customers

Products Performance

Promo Campaigns

QR Campaigns

Recurring Profiles

The Dashboard

Right off the bat, when you first login into your admin area, you will see the Dashboard, which gives a summary of sales for the month.

The Dashboard

The numbers shown on the Dashboard are for orders placed from today's date to the same day of last month. The numbers are calculated off of the placed_date value in the orders table of the database. All orders that were placed within that month's time will add to the totals on the Dashboard, regardless of order status. The only orders that will not appear are those that have been deleted.

Along the top of the Dashboard are buttons for Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. Clicking these will show all orders placed within the specified time period.

Date Range Options

Under that, you will see the total revenue of the time period. This is all order totals added together. To the right of that, you will see the total orders placed and the number of items sold.

Beneath that is a pretty chart showing revenue over the given time period.

Revenue Chart of Given Time Period

Over to the right, you will see the last 5 orders placed. The View Orders button will take you to browse Orders directly.

Last 5 Orders Placed

Under the chart, you will see how many total items were purchased. This differs from Items Sold in that Items Sold shows the total amount of items, regardless of whether the same item was purchased multiple times. While Total Products shows only how many different products were sold. The Browse button will take you to view existing products, and the Add button will allow you to add new products.

Total Products

To the right of that, you will see total Registered Users for all time, as well as the ones that have registered in the time frame selected. Click Browse to view all registered users.

Total Registered Users

And finally, you will see all Express Users who have purchased all time, as well as the new ones within the time frame selected. Express Users are those that have purchased without creating an account. You can also click Browse to view them.

Express Customers


Reports display the information of orders that were placed within the specified time period, which have also been marked as Completed for order status and Received for payment status. If you're not seeing orders in a report, it's either because the placed date is outside of the timeframe, or the order still hasn't had its status updated. Click Orders on the left side to change its status.

If you're looking for statistics on customer traffic, most viewed products, etc., you will need to set up Google Analytics or another similar program that monitors traffic.

Sales Performance

To view the Sales Performance report, click Reports, then click Sales Performance.

Sales Performance tab

On the Sales Performance page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

Sales Performance Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The Sales Performance report shows every order that has an order status of Completed and a payment status of Received. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. Each order shows the customer's name and how much they paid for products (Subtotal), Shipping, Taxes, how much their order was discounted (if it was), and how much their Gift Certificate was for (if they used one).

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

Sales Performance Total

If you're not seeing any orders, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

Sales Performance Summary

To view the Sales Performance Summary report, click Reports, then click Sales Performance Summary.

Sales Performance Summary Tab

On the Sales Performance Summary page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

Sales Performance Summary Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The Sales Performance Summary report shows every order that has an order status of Completed and a Payment Status of Received. It is pretty much the same report as the Sales Performance report, but it shows how many orders were placed per day. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. Each order shows the customer's name and how much they paid for products (Subtotal), Shipping, Taxes, how much their order was discounted (if it was), and how much their Gift Certificate was for (if they used one).customer's

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

Sales Performance Summary Total

If you're not seeing any orders, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

Sales by Payment Types

To view the Sales by Payment Types report, click Reports, then click Sales by Payment Types.

Sales by Payment Types Tab

On the Sales by Payment Types page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

Sales by Payment Types Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The Sales by Payment Type report shows every payment method for every order that has an order status of Completed and a Payment Status of Received. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. It will show how many orders were placed under each payment type for the time frame selected.

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

Sales by Payment Types Total

If you're not seeing any payment methods, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

Sales by Customers

To view the Sales by Customers report, click Reports, then click Sales by Customers.

Sales by Customers Tab

On the Sales by Customers page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

Sales by Customers Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The Sales by Customers report shows every customer that has purchased for every order that has an order status of Completed and a Payment Status of Received. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. It will show how many orders were placed under each customer for the time frame selected. This is different from the Sales Summary. Sales Summary shows every order, so a customer might be listed multiple times. With Sales by Customers, if a customer purchases more than once (under the same login), then it will show the total number of orders for them to the right of their name.

Keep in mind, if a customer places multiple orders as an Express Checkout user, the system won't know they're the same customer.

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

Sales by Customers Total

If you're not seeing any orders, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

Products Performance

To view the Products Performance report, click Reports, then click Products Performance.

Products Performance Tab

On the Products Performance page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

Products Performance Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The Products Performance report shows every item that has been purchased for every order that has an order status of Completed and a Payment Status of Received. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. It will show each product purchased and how many of each product for the time frame selected.

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

Products Performance Total

If you're not seeing any products, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

Promo Campaigns

To learn more about Promo Codes, what they are, and how to set them up, see Adding a Promo Code.

To view the Promo Campaigns report, click Reports, then click Promo Campaigns.

Promo Campaigns Tab

On the Promo Campaigns page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

Promo Campaigns Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The Promo Campaigns report shows every promo code used for every order that has an order status of Completed and a Payment Status of Received. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. It will show each promo code and how many times each promo was used for the time frame selected.

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

Promo Campaigns Total

If you're not seeing any promos, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

QR Campaigns

To learn more about QR Campaigns, what they are, and how to set them up, see How to Add QR Codes.

To view the QR Campaigns report, click Reports, then click QR Campaigns.

QR Campaigns Tab

On the QR Campaigns page, click on the Custom button to select the date range you'd like the report on.

QR Campaigns Date Range

Click the Export button to export the report as a .csv, .xml, or .json file.

The QR Campaigns report shows each QR campaign that customers bought through when the order has an order status of Completed and a Payment Status of Received. The orders do not have to be Fulfilled. It will show each QR Campaign and how many times each QR campaign was used for the time frame selected.

At the bottom of the list, the overall totals are calculated for easy reference.

QR Campaigns Total

If you're not seeing any campaigns, make sure to go to Orders on the left, and change the order status to Completed and Payment status to received on any orders that qualify.

Links to Related Articles

How to Generate Reports.

If you didn't get your question answered, please contact the Pinnacle Cart Support Team. To submit a ticket, go to the My Account drop-down menu at the top right of the admin area and select Support.