You can modify how your store logo shows up on printable invoices. All you have to do is replace it in the file manager. This article will guide you through the steps. 

Applies to Version(s): 3.9.x series

In this article, you will learn:

Finding and Replacing Your Logo Through File Manager

Adjusting the Placement of your Logo on Invoices

Finding and Replacing Your Logo Through File Manager

    1. Log in to the cart admin, then navigate to File Manager (the easiest way to do this is by using the Search function in the upper left-hand corner, below the Pinnaclecart Logo).

    2. Once you're in the File Manager, navigate to: content > cache > skins > designer > [YOUR STORE'S NAME] > [folder name] > images > logo.png

Finding and Replacing Your Logo Through File Manager

     3. The File you’re looking to replace here is “logo.png

You will want to save your file as a PNG for this to work. To learn more about PNG click here. When creating PNGs, GIFs, or JPEGs, you can use Irfran View.

     4. Make size adjustments before saving and uploading as well, otherwise you will end up with a massive company logo.

     5. After you have saved and made the adjustments to your logo, you can now go back to File Manager and upload your image by clicking Upload File. A pop-up will appear allowing you to Browse the image file on your computer. Once done, click Upload

Upload File

     6. Save then test. 

Below is an example of what will happen if you don't consider resizing your image.

sample logo

The image is massive and takes up most of the Invoice. So make sure you’re resizing using any photo editing site or software.

Adjusting the Placement of your Logo on Invoices

To adjust your logo, go to Settings > Store settings > Printable Invoice Settings.

Finding and Replacing Your Logo Through File Manager

Note: You can choose to hide the image, show it on the left, the center, or the right.

Adding / Editing Your Logo Using Cart Designer

If you didn't get your question answered, please contact the Pinnacle Cart Support Team. To submit a ticket, go to the My Account drop-down menu at the top right of the admin area and select Support.